Ideal weight is a dream for those who are overweight. Many of those who underwent a variety of diet programs, ranging from preparing the daily food menu is selective to strictly limit food intake.
Want to get your ideal weight in a short time does not mean excessive dieting. Diet should be done but maintaining a healthy body by paying attention to nutrition should also be considered. One healthy way to lose weight is to make a concoction of natural ingredients. Green tea is one of the natural ingredients that are efficacious for weight loss.
Only with ingredients of green tea and milk, you can mix a healthy herb that can significantly lose weight up to 1 kg in just 24 hours. How to? Before you try it, make sure you do not have problems with blood pressure because the herb is not suitable for those who have low blood pressure. Additionally, this herb is not good and should be avoided for those of you who are allergic to milk.
Here's how and materials required:
Materials needed to make this herb is low-fat milk as much as 2 liters and 3 tablespoons of green tea. It is advised to purchase herbal teas that are well known quality.
How to make enough to boil the milk to about 70 degrees Celsius, after the hot milk and stir mix of green tea. Refrigerate the mixture by means of closed and stored for 30 minutes and then filtered.
Drink the potion every 2 hours until exhausted and do not drink liquids other than drinking the solution. Prove virulence properties of green tea, after less than 24 hours since you first drank the solution of your weight will go down up to 1 kg.